29 June 2008

The Yard

I finally transferred pictures from my camera to the computer. Now I have some pictures to share with you, starting with Mathias and Lucy in the backyard. In the garden before you get to the shed I rediscovered a patio today. I totally forgot it was there. The field beyond the shed is also part of the property.

The creek that runs along the yard (in the fall it will be full of spawning salmon):


Anne said...

I'm seething with jealousy!

Gina said...


The Mostess said...

Lucy is lucky to spend time there!

Ana said...

That is really beautiful. I want pictures of "the yard" with Lucy in it!!!! Bring on pics of the the Luce.

angie said...

so green! i suppose Forks would be just about that lush...beware of vampires that aren't vegetarian

Lys said...

Is that your real back yard or did you have the fam pose at the zoo or some public garden or something? And you were once trying to convince me there was no reason to move from Menlo Park...